Liberals call for more trainee tradies during Port Stephens site visit

Senator Maria Kovacic, Liberal candidate for Paterson Laurence Antcliff and Sussan Ley MP.

A HOME under construction in Anna Bay was host to visiting politicians on Wednesday, 15 January.

Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party Sussan Ley was joined by NSW Senator Maria Kovacic and the Liberal candidate for Paterson, Laurence Antcliff.

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It was an opportunity for Mr Antcliff, who has worked in the building industry, to voice his support of local construction companies and the need to train more apprentices.

Sussan Ley, who also serves as the Shadow Minister for Industry, Skills and Training, Small and Family Business, and Women, said Mr Antcliff’s background meant he was equipped to understand the issues surrounding the construction of new homes.

“I know how challenging it is for businesses across Australia right now,” Ms Ley said, noting that she had spoken to a number of operators who don’t have enough confidence in the future of their businesses to take on new apprentices or trainees.

When asked about the Liberal Party’s plan to address these issues, she said it would involve partnering with Local Government Areas (LGAs) in the construction of new homes.

Mr Antcliff said the school system needed to be better equipped to steer students towards apprenticeships, suggesting that “driving all Australian students to University” was not a good strategy for the future.

Before concluding the media conference, Mr Antcliff was asked for the Liberal Party’s opinion on the proposed offshore wind farms.

“I’m yet to meet one person across the entire electorate of Paterson who is for this offshore experiment across our pristine coastline,” he said.

“This is not only a bad project, but it is an insult to the people and businesses of Port Stephens.”

Mr Antcliff suggested that a “balanced mix” of renewable energy projects alongside nuclear energy would be a more sustainable plan.

By Lindsay HALL

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