Letter to the Editor: Fix intersection in a ‘sensible manner’

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE intersection of Valla Beach Road and Giinagay Road will continue to create accidents. There are more and more housing developments in Valla Beach, thus increasing the traffic flow.

Adding more signs will not help, especially visitors and tourists who have not come across the confusing signage in NSW currently in use at the three slip roads in this area under a misinterpreted road law 73.

If the authorities really want to reduce accidents at this intersection, then the speed limit should be reduced to 60kph in both directions as has been done at the intersection of the link road into Nambucca Heads and Giinagay Way.

Somehow I doubt that common sense will prevail over my suggestion and just more signs will be added.

I have been a long-term resident of Valla Beach (23 years) and have seen the increase in traffic and have seen some of the accidents mainly caused by vehicles travelling south on the main road, usually over the 90kph current speed limit.

Please fix this in a sensible manner.

Michael JOYCE,
Valla Beach.

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