Letter to the Editor: No nuclear in the Hunter

DEAR News Of The Area,

THERE have been more than 100 nuclear reactor accidents recorded worldwide since 1952.

These include two accidents classified as ‘major’, Chernobyl and Fukushima, and eight others classified as either ‘Serious’, or ‘Accident with wide (or local) consequences’.

It is well documented that these ten accidents have resulted in significant, and in some cases catastrophic, long term impacts on surrounding living and natural environments.

Impacts such as a radioactive cloud covering hundreds of kilometres around the nuclear power plant, poisoning people, flora, fauna, domestic stock and marine life; exclusion zones around the nuclear power plant that could be uninhabitable for decades and radioactive particles in the surrounding area and waterways that could take a thousand years to decay.

The proposal to build a nuclear power plant in an earthquake prone part of the Hunter Valley creates the real possibility of a catastrophic nuclear accident which could put the lives and livelihoods of your children and future generations at risk.

At the upcoming Federal election, voters will have a clear choice:

1. Vote for a Party that will not support the building of a nuclear power plant in the Hunter.

2. Or vote for the Party that will build a nuclear power plant at an earthquake prone location in the Hunter ignoring all of the proven inherent dangers and potentially catastrophic damage that could result from a nuclear accident.

Consider the risks and make your choice carefully, the future of the Hunter may depend on it.


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