Protesters demand end to delay in creating Great Koala National Park

More than 200 people joined the rally in Coffs Harbour.

MORE than 200 community members rallied at the NSW Forestry Corporation’s offices in Coffs Harbour early this week, arguing that the State Government has broken its promise by delaying the creation of the Great Koala National Park (GKNP).

The plan is to merge 175,000 hectares of publicly-owned State Forest with existing National Park, to create a 315,000 hectare nature reserve in the Coffs Coast region.

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North East Forest Alliance (NEFA) spokesperson Dailan Pugh, said that while the park might be declared soon, “we want to protect the whole 176,000 hectares (of State Forest)”.

He told the crowd that NSW Labor has had the GKNP as a policy for a decade, yet proponents are still waiting 21 months after the party gained power.

Several times, the crowd chanted, “Hey Chris Minns, where’s our koala park?”

In the meantime, logging has accelerated across the proposed GKNP.

The independent candidate for Cowper Caz Heise told those assembled that “Australia is the only developed nation on the list of deforestation hotspots.”

She said governments must stop subsidising logging, and deploy existing workers into jobs in plantations, restoring biodiversity or ecotourism.

Ashley Love, the initial proponent of the GKNP, said there could be as many as 30,000 koalas living in the proposed GKNP, and they can be effectively managed.

Federal Greens Senator Sarah Hansen-Young, said that people care deeply about nature.

“It’s an international shame that we have to protest to protect these special creatures,” she told the crowd.

“In 2025, it’s time we ended native forest logging in this country.”

NSW Greens MLC Sue Higginson, said forests are the frontline against climate change.

“It’s about building healthy, functioning forests to absorb carbon,” she said.

Ms Higginson said that with the possibility an announcement will be made soon, she hopes it encompasses the entire proposed GKNP.

The office of Penny Sharpe, Minister for the Environment, was asked for comment.

By Andrew VIVIAN

Senator Sarah Hansen-Young and MLC Sue Higginson spoke at the rally.

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