Highlights from Carols by the River

Loaves and sausages were available in front of the ANZAC mural in Tea Gardens.

CHRISTMAS songs by the Myall River returned after a washout last year, with perfect weather at the end of another hot summer’s day on Monday 23 December, 2024.

Several hundred turned out in the wonderful summer afternoon upon the grassy clearing of ANZAC Park, enjoying the loaves and sausages provided by the Tea Gardens Country Club and RSL before settling down to hear and join in with the carols.

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Led by Reverend Richard Goscombe, the Anglican singers and band were joined by special guests the Myall Melodians.

As golden hour set in from the west, the singing began with Joy to the World.

Carolers joined via the QR codes specially created for the lyrics program.

Baby Jesus in his manger featured front and centre on the makeshift stage as many traditional classics were sung across the grass, including “Jesus Saves” sung to the tune of “Jingle Bells”.

The Aussie version of “Twelve Days of Christmas” saw children emulate energetic jumping kangaroos, surfing sharks, leaping lizards, and one hardworking girl as the “kookaburra up a gum tree”.

As the crowd waved electric candles, Reverend Goscombe spoke of Christmas 1914, remembering how Silent Night brought former combatants together across no-man’s-land during the unofficial Western Front ceasefire.

Songs were interspersed with bible readings and poems, including the Story of the First Christmas and the “road trip to Bethlehem”, which included “a botched arrival” and a reminder of how power corrupts.

Then it was all-in for the finale, “O Come Let Us Adore Him”.

Reverend Goscombe also led a prayer for those for whom Xmas is a tough time.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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