No improvements planned for Bucketts Way/Pacific Highway intersection

Vehicles waiting for a chance to turn right from Bucketts Way.

MOTORISTS travelling south from Gloucester will, for the foreseeable future at least, continue experiencing the often-long delays and risks associated with turning right from Bucketts Way onto the Pacific Highway.

Responding to questions from News Of The Area, Transport for NSW has confirmed there are presently no plans to fund a single lane overpass from Bucketts Way.

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“Transport for NSW will develop options to address access points, including investigating upgrades for Italia Road, Medowie Road and Bucketts Way to support safe movement of vehicles and population growth in the area,” said a spokesperson for Transport for NSW.

“Further investigations are underway to develop a business case and explore options for enhancing safety.

“Transport for NSW is working with the Australian Government to understand timeframe considerations for individual projects within the Pacific Highway corridor.

“Further funding will be needed for project planning, progression and construction work.”

The problem for motorists wanting to turn right onto the highway is particularly acute during holiday periods, with the queue often stretching a long distance up Bucketts Way as drivers wait for a gap in the northbound traffic.

And things could yet get worse with the recent approvals of new gravel quarries that will require all trucks exiting the quarries from Italia Rd to turn north onto the highway, and past the Bucketts Way intersection.

The Stone Ridge quarry approved in December will alone generate 334 truck movement per day.

“The junction of the Pacific Highway and Bucketts Way is a critical intersection that is in desperate need of an upgrade,” said Dave Layzell, Shadow Minister of Regional Transport and Roads, and Gloucester’s local MP.

“This intersection serves the people of the Upper Hunter and especially the residents of Stroud and Gloucester.

“I believe that the very next project after the completion of the M1 extension to Raymond Terrace should be an upgrade of the key Pacific Highway intersections, including Bucketts Way and Medowie Road.

“These intersections are incredibly busy, especially during the school holiday periods.

“From a personal perspective, there are times when I am pulling out on this intersection with a horse float during the school holidays, and the only way I can describe the experience is a clear sense of fear.

“It is dangerous and it is scary.

“It needs to see planning work urgently and this needs to be promptly followed by an investment of funds to get the process started.”

Former MidCoast Councillor and Gloucester resident Katheryn Stinson has long expressed her concern about the risks associated with turning right from Bucketts Way.

“In my opinion there should be an overpass lane, and I have always voiced my concerns…,” said Ms Stinson.

“Council did ask Transport for NSW to investigate the safety concerns (2021) raised by Council, but they found it met the requirements.

“(NSW) Government was developing a Future Growth Strategy for the Pacific Highway, which was to include overpass lanes, and Council wrote and asked that the Bucketts Way intersection be considered for the upgrade as part of the program, but unfortunately, the last I checked, this strategy had gone quiet.”


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