Stuarts Point Men’s Shed celebrate festive season

President George Bambling delivered a heartfelt address on behalf of members.

FAITHFUL to a lasting tradition, Stuarts Point Men’s Shed hosted the 2024 festive season with a generous luncheon on Saturday 14 December.

Invited guests, totalling 22, including five new members to swell the ranks, assembled around a long set of tables, furnished in casual banquet styling, to reminisce and tell the inevitable tall tales.

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Attendees included revered life members and partners, some of which had travelled for the event from South West Rocks, Macksville, Scotts Head and Port Macquarie.

In celebrating another successful year of projects, Member George Driussi told NOTA, “Our projects include the assembly of another picnic table, the eighth so far, and numerous recycling endeavours.

“Notably, in the last month we have ‘revolved’ (refurbished) 12 discarded lawn mowers which were snapped up by visitors to the shed.”

President George Bambling delivered a heartfelt address speech on behalf of the members, thanking the wives and partners for the delightful feast, as well as offering everyone best wishes for the festive season and the new year.

With a remarkably well-equipped workshop, the Men’s Shed welcomes new members and the public to their spacious facility on Fishermans Reach Road, which is open on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings.

Contact Shed Manager Glenn Button (0493 601 926) or President George Bambling (0427 690 600) for more information.


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