Murray in Monster Golf Win

Bill Murray.

THE standout performance on Saturday 14 December at the Gloucester Golf Club was Bill Murray with a score that the handicappers at Golf Australia will want to know about, a full six points ahead of the field.

The day itself was hot and steamy although perhaps not quite as warm as the previous few days. The course presented in its customary great condition.

The event was an Individual Stableford and was sponsored by Club Gloucester. The winners in the three grades were Brian McInnes, 36 in A grade, Jeff Reynolds, 37, in B grade and the standout winner in C grade was Bill Murray with a whopping 43 points; the best women golfer on the paddock was Karen Howarth with her 35 points.

Balls were won by Bill Murray 43, Paul Griffith 39, Jeff Reynolds and Doug Barron 37, Brian McInnes and Peter Markey 36, and Karen Howarth and Randall Buckley, 35.

The Nearest-to-the-Pins at the 4th and 13th holes were won by Trevor Sharp in A grade and Steve Benson in C grade finishing 228 cm and 170 cm from the hole respectively. Trevor Sharp backed up at the shorter 6th and 15th holes ending up 622 cm from the hole while Steve Burns, 690 cm, in B grade and Bill Murray, 299 cm, in C grade took home the NTP trophies.

The long drives at the 8th and 17th fairways were won by Steve Williams, Randall Buckley, Paul Garland and Dale Rabbett representing the three men’s grades and the club’s women golfers.

The Super Sevens for the week ending Friday 13 December was won by Wayne Maddalena with a handy 18 points. Balls were won by Rod Burrows 17, Wayne Maddalena 16, Chris Steele 14 and, on a count back Dave Mann, 13.

On Saturday 21 December IGA will sponsor their annual Christmas Cheer Day in the form of an Individual Stableford while on 28 December the Gloucester Veteran Golfers will sponsor the final Saturday event of the year, a Two Ball Aggregate Stableford.


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