Myall U3A Choir’s Christmas concert

The passion is still alive for Christmas singing at Myall U3A. Photo: supplied.

CHORAL tunes were blasted with gusto at the Myall University of the Third Age (MU3A) Christmas Concert, held on Wednesday 4 December at the Tea Gardens Baptist Church.

The bash was the latest celebration of singing and music, after the group’s first live performance of 2024 at the Tea Gardens Hotel on the October long weekend.

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“Since welcoming Choir back on the Myall U3A agenda this year, the group has been a raging success within our local community as well as the public,” Annie Rutter, Publicity Officer for the MU3A Choir, told News Of The Area.

“Our recent, well-attended concert at the Baptist Church featured a community sing-along of Christmas carols and original songs, all beautifully accompanied by pianist Beverly Ettingshaussen, and very well received.”

It is crystal clear that the Choristers are a wonderful and enthusiastic bunch who love singing from the bottom of their hearts.

Richard Gray, the group’s convenor, said, “I can’t believe how well everyone performed today. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!”

“Thank you to all who attended, we are excited for next year and look forward to doing more live performances and concerts.”

The art of group singing, ubiquitous throughout the pre-industrial world, seemed to wane with the advent of on-demand entertainment.

There is certainly something more to the experience than just sound; there is a tangible sense of rhythm and purpose when one is part of the song, a feeling that the Myall U3A choristers visibly appreciated.

After this year’s fabulous morning tea, provided by all the choir members, the vigour and energy of the group was evidenced in great souls like Margaret Rowden and Barbara Lyle, who offer to step up when necessary throughout the year, and Stephanie Hunter, who looks after the weekly morning tea.

“This group is a great community experience, and if anyone would like more information about Myall U3A, or is interested in joining Choir or any of our courses, they can check us out online at, or simply attend our Enrolment Day on Tuesday, 21 January, at the Hawks Nest Community Hall between 9.30-11.30am,” Annie said.

“If you have any questions, please feel free to call us on 0431 523 093.

“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone.”

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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