Community groups combine to expand Sunshine Wheels initiative

Susan Campbell and Grahame Beatton of Nambucca Heads Lions Club, Jacob Bush of Woolworths Nambucca Heads and Annette Bush managing the cake stall at Woolworths in support of Sunshine Wheels and the International Day of People with Disability.

NOW a familiar sight on the cycleways beside the Nambucca River, the local Rotary initiative known as Sunshine Wheels is brightening the days of those with compromised mobility.

A special trike, fitted with a two person bench seat and powered by a Nambucca Valley Rotary Club volunteer, takes people on 40 minute tours along the riverside pathways at Nambucca and Macksville.

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Passengers receive what one Rotary volunteer calls a “sensory delight” where they experience the smell of the sea and river, and the sound of children’s laughter, especially along the V-Wall.

“Until recently, passengers have been nursing home residents who delight in being beside the river once again and having the opportunity to chat with passersby, who are sometimes old friends,” Nambucca Valley Rotary Club’s Dave Banks told News Of The Area.

“Rotary has now extended the rides to residents of the aged care units at Lakeside and Riverside Gardens, and it hopes to extend the outings to those whose mobility is compromised by physical disability.”

To make this a reality Rotary needs to purchase a second trike at a cost of $8,600.

The Lions Club of Nambucca Heads has swung into action in support of the second trike purchase and is fundraising through cake stalls and raffles.

“Each year we look for opportunities for Lions and Rotary to collaborate on great initiatives that benefit the community and supporting Sunshine Wheels is certainly something Lions are keen to get behind,” Nambucca Heads Lions Club President Grahame Beatton told NOTA.

These two community originations have been known to join forces in the past for the good of the community, with the disabled access swing at the Macksville Aquatic Centre just one example.

Woolworths Nambucca Heads, as a part of their efforts to raise awareness for the International Day of People with Disability (3 December), supported the fundraising effort by providing a venue for a cake and raffle stall on Saturday, 30 November.

A proud employer of people with disabilities, Woolworths also donated a huge fruit and veggie tray and vouchers to be raffled by the Lions.

Hordes of locals and visitors snapped up the baked goods on offer as they came to do their weekend shopping.

Woolworths Macksville and the Detour Expresso Van also got behind the initiative with generous donations.

“These fundraising efforts have been a great boost however we are still a long way from the $8,600 needed for the new trike,” Mr Banks added.

“If you would like to assist with a donation or you are a local business that could sponsor the second trike, please call me on 0418 937 946 or email

“We would also be interested in talking to anyone who might like to volunteer as a trike driver.”


The Nambucca Valley Rotary Club hopes to expand the Sunshine Wheels initiative to those with physical disability through the purchase of a second trike. Photo: supplied.

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