Letter to the Editor: If you don’t know, vote no on nuclear Opinion Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - December 6, 2024 DEAR News Of The Area, THE fatuous debate about potential nuclear power options for Australia cannot be taken seriously. There is no credible evidence supporting any such proposal either economically or environmentally in the Australian context. The most recent Royal Commission, in 2016 in South Australia, into the nuclear fuel cycle concluded as much. The history of nuclear power plant accidents and disasters should sound enough warning. There is an increasing level of radioactive pollution due to the nuclear fuel cycle more generally and the ongoing release of radioactive material continues. We now have a nuclear waste storage facility in South Australia due to our AUKUS agenda, but we have not been able to locate a necessary more permanent nuclear waste storage facility anywhere. Sensible people do not want one to be anywhere. This should signal game over but sadly not. The economics do not add up and the time taken to build reactors will not assist in meeting our essential carbon reduction targets. Further concentration of power generation capital in the hands of a wealthy few, regardless of suggested initial taxpayer investment is clearly not desirable or justifiable. Just look at the coal and oil industries in terms of their dominant power and influence. Owned by an elite few, they continue to pollute and expect subsidies to do so. We now recently have seen how this folly grows. Locally we have proponents of nuclear power promoting that it is somehow in our interests to pay them our money to hear these paid proponents spruik their theories. Creative and clever solutions to energy and climate are needed, not this dangerous misdirection. If you don’t know, vote no is the most appropriate advice with regard to the nuclear issue. Surely a more sensible nuclear agenda for humanity and us Australians is a ban on nuclear weapons. Regards, Paul SEKFY, Yarranbella.