International Teacher Training Academy In For The LongRun

The Coffs’ International Teacher Training Academy team: Nicole Alsop, Kerry Hall, Abby Monro, Carolyn Fletcher and Jessica Fletcher.

THE International Teacher Training Academy (ITTA) team in Coffs Harbour has joined the LongRun to raise money for prostate cancer.

All staff in the Coffs office have signed up.

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ITTA Director Carolyn Fletcher loves a goal to work towards and this one is personal.

“We have family and friends we have either lost to prostate cancer or who are survivors of prostate cancer,” Carolyn told News Of The Area.

“It has been an excellent team bonding activity and has created a lot of fun in the office as well as giving staff a lovely sense of personal achievement.”

The initial commitment was for each participant to walk, ride or run to the individual goal of 72 kms for the month of September as set by the LongRun.

“However, most of us have already exceeded this goal,” Caroline said.

“We are already up to a collective total of 553 kms and I am sure that by the time this is published we will be well beyond that.

“As a team we have exceeded our fundraising goal, so we are very happy that we have been able to contribute to raising awareness.”

Having set an achievable target of $1000, through the generosity and enthusiasm of family, friends and anonymous donors, they smashed that goal early on.

“So, we increased our target to $3000.”

Donations continued to come in and they steamed past the second target.

“When some generous companies matched any donations made [on a given day], that increased to over $6000 and [is still] rising.

“We finish up on Monday, 30 September, so we will all don our LongRun t-shirts and take some well-deserved time to walk up to town for a cool drink or a coffee.”


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