Letter to the Editor: Provide us safe highway access

DEAR News Of The Area,

THIS letter is in response to Council’s proposed bridgework at Old Coast Road, Korora.

Once the bridge is demolished, hundreds of cars and trucks each day will be forced to use a detour along a narrow, winding road that is incredibly dangerous.

The government, both state (Bypass) and local (Council), have failed to communicate and cooperate to provide the proper safe highway access they promised us.

We of the people are not pawns in your political game.

At 84, I had to adjust to the madness of getting onto the highway by turning left only and then attempting a dangerous U-turn near Opal Cove.

Now I am confronted with the Old Coast Road detour dilemma.

I feel so much trepidation that I am considering not driving at all for the stress and worry.

Maybe the powers that be should consider our plight first-hand.

We, the people, matter.

We have purpose.

What is yours?

Provide us safe highway access.

Yours sincerely,
Marion LESSER,

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