Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club

Breast Cancer Charity Day.

BREAST Cancer Charity competition Tuesday 10th.

What a great day we had on Tuesday 10th for our annual Breast Cancer Charity Day at Safety Beach. A 2 Person Medley Ambrose was the game of the day and wonderfully supported by both ladies and men dressed in pink.

Winners of the day were Karen and Tony Bellamy 65 pts. Runners-up Lexine and Wayne Bailey 65.75 and 2nd runners-up Vicki and Martin Aubusson 67.5.

A big thank you to all participants for making it so successful. $570 was raised over badge and raffle ticket sales and donations. A huge thank you to our members and sponsors who donated prizes and presented them so beautifully. And the delicious afternoon tea was something to enjoy after the game.

Ladies don’t forget to register for Pro Terry’s 2-Day Varden competition on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 September. Invitations have been sent out far and wide and it’s always good to get to know visitors to our lovely area.

See Terry is you need new clothing, equipment or lessons. He is very easy to get on with and will be happy to help.

See you out there.

By Marilyn ELY

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