Camden Haven orchid lovers prepare for Spring Show

Camden Haven Orchid Society President Don Kuchel and Vice President David Everingham.

DON Kuchel’s enchantment with orchids began more than fifteen years ago after a serendipitous encounter with a nursery in the Northern Rivers.

“While travelling from Lismore to Ballina, I came across a small nursery and decided to look around,” Don said.

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“I purchased three orchid plants on a whim and from that point I got the bug.”

Finding himself captivated by these unique flowering plants, Don joined an orchid society upon returning home to Hervey Bay.

Today, Don proudly serves as the President of the Camden Haven Orchid Society, a role he has held for the past six years.

The Society’s Vice President, David Everingham, on the other hand, has roots in orchids which extend back to childhood.

“My Dad used to grow cymbidium orchids, so I was interested in them when I was just a young fellow,” David said.

However, it wasn’t until David’s move to Camden Haven eight years ago that his green thumb truly flourished.

Joining the local orchid society opened a world of opportunities to refine and showcase his skills.

David and Don are both brimming with excitement this week in preparation for the orchid society’s annual Spring Show, which comes to the Laurieton United Services Club (LUSC) on Saturday and Sunday.

Aside from the annual show, the Society convenes on the third Tuesday of every month, offering members a platform to participate in workshops and share valuable insights on orchid cultivation.

“We have a great deal of expertise in the club,” Don told NOTA.

“There are lots of people who are really good orchid growers and they can guide any new member to help them to get started.“

Visitors to the Spring Show can expect a mesmerising display of buds and blooms on Saturday from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm, and on Sunday from 9.30 am to 3.00 pm at LUSC.


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