Letter to the Editor: Time for a forward-thinking council

DEAR News Of The Area,

THANK you Councillor George Cecato for adding honesty and clarity to the ongoing debate over the Jetty Foreshores development (NOTA 23 August).

The current plan suggests two six-storey buildings towards the northern end of the present railway land, land which those who have lived here for 40 years know, has been left idle and unkempt for all these years.

Other buildings will be low-level, two-storey residential and multi-purpose buildings.

There is no “multi-storey” building proposed at all, despite the claims of the fearmongers.

Furthermore, the plan is just that – a plan – and subject to further consultation, which we can be sure a Council of new members will be happy to engage with.

It is frightening to think that this Council could maintain a redeveloped foreshore of any type, when, despite being given $70,000 a year for the past ten years by the State Government to maintain the jetty, it continues to fall dangerously into disrepair.

We trust the community will elect a forward-thinking, youthful and progressive Council who will work collaboratively with us, and the Government, to move our city forward, and to develop the foreshores into a world-class feature of Coffs Harbour.

Graeme DYBALL,
Coffs Harbour.

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