Letter to the Editor: Local representation is vital!

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE falsehoods, misrepresentation, and dishonest storytelling from certain media outlets and other candidates have resulted in the absence of local representation for the southern part of our shire.

This cannot persist any longer.

We have sixteen candidates from our area who are aspiring to regain local representation.

However, in order to succeed, we must act strategically to avoid splitting the vote and missing out once again.

The shire has approximately 70,000 voters, with around 3,500 residing in the Myall Coast.

Including Bulahdelah and Stroud Valley, the population grows to about 5,500.

Since we need to elect eleven councillors, a candidate requires roughly 6,000 votes to be elected.

This means that if everyone in the southern end votes for a single candidate, we have a chance at obtaining representation.

We are aware that there are devoted party voters who will support a party rather than the individual, thereby reducing the potential local vote by at least a third.

Unfortunately, the majority of candidates from the south are listed under the line and cannot be preferenced by those voting above the line.

We do have one group running above the line, but it is unlikely to receive preferences from other groups or from those below the line, making its chances of success quite slim.

Therefore, we need to think strategically and deliberately and vote below the line for our preferred local candidates.

Ideally, we would prefer to preference all sixteen candidates, but realistically, only seven have a significant voter base to remain competitive.

In my opinion, based on the potential voter support they possess, the seven candidates are (using their last names as they appear on the ballot): Hutchinson, Sayhoun, McEntyre, O’Keefe, Panhuber, Smith, and Hart.

I urge you to seriously consider voting for these seven candidates below the line, in the order of your choice, to give us the best opportunity to elect a local representative.

Voting strategically in this manner may even result in two successful candidates.

Kind regards,
Former MidCoast councillor,
Tea Gardens.

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