Port Stephens paddler aims to raise $20k for cancer support

Dave Wright training locally for the Massive Murray Paddle.

IN support of a close friend recently diagnosed with brain cancer, Nelson Bay local David Wright has decided to take on the Massive Murray Paddle – a five day, 415 kilometre (km) paddling adventure race down the Murray River.

Described by Dave as the “hardest physical thing” he’s ever attempted, the paddler says committing to months of “next level” training and mental preparation was one small way he could emulate the “daily challenge” being experienced by his mate.

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Dave’s longest paddle to date was 30km (four hours), so it is sobering to envision traversing the Murray through Victoria from Yarrawonga to Koondrook, particularly considering the unpredictability of the river.

Since commencing his training, Dave has lost 35 kilograms, all his hair and any chance of backing out.

Now two kayaks deep, Dave is “all in” in the pursuit of charity fundraising.

His endurance paddle will raise funds for the Peace Of Mind Foundation (POMF), a nationwide not-for-profit organisation providing support to brain cancer patients and their families.

Aiming to raise $20,000, Dave hopes his journey will increase awareness of brain cancer in Port Stephens.

“Every dollar makes a difference, especially behind closed doors where POMF makes its most crucial and important impact,” he said.

To learn more or to donate, visit https://celebration.peaceofmindfoundation.org.au/page/DavidsMassiveMurrayPaddle

Follow Dave’s journey at www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=584377587.


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