Stinker’s Stories: Teacher recalls old school

Two of the students of Nelson Bay High School who were hooked on fishing. Brent Hancock with a cracker snapper and Paul Lennon with a thumping great flathead.

RECENT arrivals on the Tomaree Peninsula would not recall the fantastic old Nelson Bay High School opposite the Nelson Bay Rugby Club.

Previously a Central School until 1975, the old buildings were falling down due to gravity and white ants.

The site was finally moved to Salamander in 1998.

Among many fond memories I do recall is how much the kids at that old school loved fishing and boating.

Among the commercial fishing families the Tarrants, Asquiths, Bagnalls, Sproules, Barrys and Chalkleys were the kids who just loved dangling a line, being on the beach or in a boat.

It is hard to believe that back in the early 1970s there was no junior cricket, netball, rugby league, hockey, Aussie rules or soccer.

The only organised sports for kids at the time were junior rugby union and nippers at Fingal Surf Club.

It was all surfing, fishing and boating.

It pleases me greatly to see that today, the kids, and in some cases, the kids of the kids of the old students of Nelson Bay High, are still right into fishing and boating.

Local tackle store owner Brent Hancock comes to mind as does outboard mechanic David Kable, charter fishing operator Paul Lennon, Bay Boats’ Wayne and Kim Palise and the Aldrich boys who run local cruises.

There are many more who remain involved.

The benefits of fishing and boating as lifetime recreations are all good: family togetherness in the great outdoors, learning about nature, the environment and a sustainable future.

I must mention that it wasn’t all fun and games at the old school as the academic record and achievements of the students, locally and overseas, is a credit to them and to the quality education that they experienced.

Few would be aware that next year marks 50 years since Nelson Bay High School was established.

By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE

Two of the students of Nelson Bay High School who were hooked on fishing. Brent Hancock with a cracker snapper and Paul Lennon with a thumping great flathead.

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