Letter to the Editor: State Gov holds key to rezoning

DEAR News Of The Area,

IN Response to Martin Pundyke‘s letter from NOTA 2/8/24, ‘Falsehood of community ownership’.

The assertion made by Mr Pundyke in his letter was that not all government land allows for public access cannot be denied, but he also chooses to ignore the fact that the government has the power to change zoning to allow whatever it decides.

The rezoning of the State Government-owned land in question, at the Jetty Foreshore, is currently being put forward for sale to private developers for residential high rise.

The NSW State Government promised before the last election not to allow residential high rises, which is one big reason why I, and many others I know, voted for them.

Was this the actual ‘falsehood’?

The fact is that the State Government has the power to allow the sale and transfer of this land to local council to be developed, in the interest of community access and ongoing public ownership for future generations, and in fact a generous offer was made by the City of Coffs Harbour but was rejected for reasons that remain unclear.

It’s appropriate that not all publicly owned land allows public access, but it CAN be rezoned to provide a potential for community use.

However, once government land has been de-zoned for private development it will be lost to the community forever.

To suggest otherwise is misleading and seems to be an attempt by Mr Pundyke to muddy the waters in my opinion. Another actual ‘falsehood’?

Lindy DAVIS,

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