Aquafit ladies join Daffodil Day fundraiser

Coffs Memorial Pool Aquafit group takes a Daffodil Day dip at Jetty Beach.

TAKING an ocean dip on Daffodil Day was how a group of women from Coffs Memorial Pool’s Aquafit group showed their support for cancer research.

Following the success of their first foray into winter waters last year, the women again joined the fundraising efforts of fitness instructor Simone Saunders.

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Donning daffodil yellow cozzies and hats, the sunny but chilly morning at Jetty Beach led to much hilarity among the hale and hearty friends.

By joining Simone for the cold water dip, the group contributed to her raising four times her original target.

Among the women were several cancer survivors who, without hesitation, attributed their ongoing good health and well-being to their participation in the group.

As members of Coffs Memorial Pool Aquafit, the women turn up most days of the week for a 45-minute pool exercise class with Simone and her encouraging and energetic vibes.

“It’s fun, healthy and, importantly, it provides a social benefit with new friendships formed as they celebrate one another’s birthdays, important family events, news of grandchildren, and much more,” participant Margaret Cameron told News Of The Area.

“All while they experience the benefits of proper guided exercise together with the emotional and mental support [that] being a member of this group offers.

“Laughter is the order of the day in the pool and in the cold water, this training came to the fore.

“They splashed and laughed in the cold, enjoying the outdoors and the sense of camaraderie and friendship the group has become so well known for.”

There are over 80 members currently benefiting from the structured program and new members are welcome.


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