Local Land Services call on landholders to report feral deer sightings

Feral deer recorded on a pest surveillance camera.

THE North Coast Local Land Services Invasive Pest team is encouraging landholders to report sightings of feral deer.

Populations of feral deer are known across the Mid North Coast, including in Port Macquarie-Hastings.

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Grazing and trampling caused by feral deer threatens native species that are less able to compete for food and habitat and damages the composition and structure of habitats of threatened fauna.

Scent marking and rubbing of antlers can lead to trees becoming ring-barked and dying, whilst browsing on shrubs and grasses, forbs and other general foliage further degrades these communities.

Weed seeds are introduced in scats and increased light penetration from disturbed canopies – particularly in Littoral Rainforests – sets the conditions for rapid weed invasion, particularly from Lantana, Bitou Bush and Tropical Soda Apple – which are significant weeds on the North Coast.

“Feral deer have a serious impact on the natural environment, but they also have devastating impacts for agricultural producers and even gardens and community spaces in our urban areas,” said Dean Chamberlain, Team Leader Invasive Pests.

“Deer would easily make the Olympics high jump team, some species are able to jump fences up to 2.5m high and this enables them to invade farms, graze on pastures and crops, consume stock water and feed, congregate around water sources and damage riparian zones around dams, waterholes, creeks and rivers.

“The impact on agricultural enterprises varies but can easily reach the tens of thousands of dollars each year for farmers due to increased grazing pressure, loss of crops and damage to infrastructure.”

Feral deer are also becoming increasingly present in urban areas.

“Feral deer should not be approached by people as they are wild animals and are unpredictable,” Dean said.

Stags can be particularly aggressive and people can put themselves at extreme risk by approaching them.”

To report feral deer:
● Download and install the FeralScan app on your smart phone – https://www.feralscan.org.au
● Record a sighting on the FeralScan website
● Call your nearest Local Land Services office on 1300 795 299

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