Letter to the Editor: Mayor’s ‘inappropriate’ letter

DEAR News Of The Area,

IN reference to the letter featured in NOTA (19 July) it was concerning to see the context of the letter that Mayor, Cr Paul Amos had addressed to a member of the public in relation to the responsibility of city beautification as featured in NOTA (5 July).

I feel the letter was inappropriate, poorly written and not what I’d expect from a community leader responding to a concerned ratepayer.

The writer of the initial letter came across as someone who showed empathy and concern for the betterment of our city.

She’d clearly already done her homework in presenting the question in her letter titled ‘Town pride should always be a council priority’.

Putting aside who should or should not be financially responsible for the maintenance of the median strips through our town, it should be a given that a Mayor cares about the street appeal of our city.

We have a concerned resident who pointed out a problem, and the response came across to me as condescending.

Our current Council has failed to maintain good working relationships and this breakdown of communication has meant our community are the ones that suffer.

I ask residents and ratepayers, what type of Mayor are you looking for in September?

We need Mayoral leadership from someone who can work with community groups, as well as State and Federal Governments of all persuasions, to get the best outcomes for our city.

We need someone who is going to help beautify our city by working with others to achieve what’s best for our community.

Coffs Harbour.

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