Australia’s Biggest Triathlon Events Company Brings Triathlon

Triathletes of all ages and abilities will partake in the inaugural Hawks Nest Triathlon Festival 24 September.
Triathletes of all ages and abilities will partake in the inaugural Hawks Nest Triathlon Festival 24 September.

HAWKS Nest will host one of the major Triathlon events in Australia next month as preparations are well underway.

Elite Energy, the company organising the Triathlon Festival are positive the event will be a huge success.

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“Numbers for the 2016 event are already looking really positive with demand to race in this pristine environment exceeding our expectations for a first year event,” Sebastian Gallery from Elite Energy said.

Named the The Tri Hawks Nest festival, the inaugural event will host 4 different length triathlons, these events cater for various ages and abilities ensuing an event for everyone.

All four distances comprise of a swim directly out the front of the Tea Gardens SLSC, a ride and a run around some of Hawks Nests flat and tranquil surrounds.

Set for 24 September the event is set to further promote the Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens areas.


Luke Hodges and Hannah Ison approach the finish line at Nowra Triathlon, one of the 12 triathlon festivals that makes up Elite Energy’s Tri Series.
Luke Hodges and Hannah Ison approach the finish line at Nowra Triathlon, one of the 12 triathlon festivals that makes up Elite Energy’s Tri Series.

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