NSW Governor visits Tea Gardens’ Galleries in the Gardens

Galleries in the Gardens members Ian Morphett and Hannah Matilda greeted Governor Margaret Beazley on a brilliant Tea Gardens morning.

VICE-REGAL visits are rare in Tea Gardens, but the beautiful weather on Saturday 29 June was perfect for the trip by NSW Governor Margaret Beazley AC KC, who stopped by the local Galleries in the Gardens (GiG) on Myall Street for morning tea.

The seaside air upon the Myall was a fitting end to Her Excellency’s Hunter regional tour, which began on 26 June, covering various locales including Raymond Terrace, Port Stephens and Maitland beforehand.

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The precious heritage assets, stunning natural landscapes, and wonderful community spirit were on full display at the Galleries in the Gardens, where the Governor was greeted by several local artists and their works.

The GiG had, in fact, just finished re-hanging the Galleries with works submitted for the upcoming 7 July Winter Exhibition, themed ‘A Touch of Red’, and several local artists were on hand to discuss their inspirations and motivations.

“I’m here to see what’s happening, and the talent is jumping off the walls, creative, innovative and beautiful,” Governor Beazley told NOTA, clearly enamoured with several of the displayed pieces.

Her Excellency was further impressed by the crossover initiatives of the Galleries, such as regular exhibitions of HSC works by students from Bulahdelah Central School, and connections made with the local Tea Gardens Public School.

“I love that there’s so much crossover between groups and volunteering, and between generations too – we don’t see a lot of that these days, but it is clear and evident here,” the Governor happily observed.

“Younger generations can come into the Galleries and see the talent, be inspired by it, and even take part.”

The morning tea was, as always, delicious, including home-made scones, cakes, sandwiches, tea and coffee, and a welcome comfort on this penultimate event on the Governor’s regional tour.

Upon hearing of the Galleries’ various inclusive events, such as life drawings and other exhibitions, Her Excellency exclaimed, “This place is buzzing!” and encouraged the artists to avail themselves of the regular Government House exhibitions next time they are in Sydney.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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