Voting in the upcoming local government elections

Voting in local government elections is compulsory.

LOCAL government elections are scheduled for Saturday 14 September 2024 across NSW and voting is compulsory for all residents aged over eighteen.

Anyone who has recently moved to the area is encouraged to make sure their details on the electoral roll are up to date.

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Non-resident MidCoast ratepayers can also vote in the upcoming NSW Local Government elections.

The non-residential roll allows people who are non-resident owners, occupiers and rate-paying lessees of rateable land within the MidCoast Council area to have a say in who is elected to Council.

Non-residents who wish to vote in the September elections must register by 6pm on 5 August 2024.

The upcoming election will allow voters to choose the eleven councillors who will make decisions for the MidCoast LGA over the next four years.

Anyone who would like to campaign in the community to become a councillor is invited to attend a local information session.

There will be two information sessions held at the MidCoast Council Customer Service and Administration Centre at 2 Biripi Way, Taree.

The first one is on Monday 15 July at 3:30pm and the second will be held straight after the Council meeting on Wednesday 24 July at 5:30pm.

These sessions will help potential candidates find out what it’s like to be a MidCoast councillor.

Forms are available on Council’s website at

There are strict rules concerning eligibility.

The NSW Electoral Commission provides everything you need to know about campaigning in the 2024 NSW Local Government elections, including a number of webinars located at

You can also call the Electoral Commission during business hours on 1300 022 011.

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