Stinker’s Fishin’: One fish can make the day

Graham and Avryl Osborne had a ball off Fingal Island.

FISHING is a funny game; it only takes one fish to make a great outing that you will never forget.

Just ask Graham and Avryl Osborne who took advantage of the fine weather to launch at Little Beach and head for the shallow reef system on the northern face of Fingal Island.

Anchoring out of the south wind, the Osbornes floated an unweighted bait of fresh bonito into 40 ft of water.


A cracker 1.3kg snapper took off towards Broughton Island.

Maybe not the biggest snapper but it certainly was greeted with great excitement which goes to show that you do not need to catch big fish to have big fun.

Wrapped in alfoil on the BBQ, baked in the oven or filleted and crumbed, snapper performs magnificently in the kitchen – regardless of the size.

Luderick firing up on the Nelson Bay Breakwall, big winter bream on the beaches and gathering in the Grit Hole on Fingal Island and cracker tailor swimming through the white water off Fingal – it’s all happening. Oh, nearly forgot, snapper are in great numbers over the reefs from Birubi to Broughton.

By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE

Graham Osborne.

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