Illegal rubbish dumpers caught red handed in Nana Glen

Illegal rubbish dumping taking place on Battery Road, Nana Glen on Monday 19 February 2024.

IDENTIFIED by their car and box-trailer number plates, a man and a woman will be issued a fine by City of Coffs Harbour (CoCH) for dumping household rubbish on Battery Road in Nana Glen on Monday 19 February.

Reported by Nana Glen resident Catriona Slade, who witnessed the dumping and took photographs, the pair emptied rubbish from their trailer onto the side of the road and drove off.

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Observing the pair in the process of taking bags of rubbish out of their trailer and placing them in a pile on the side of the dirt-track road, Catriona asked them to pick it back up and take it away.

“The woman became foul mouthed and said that she wouldn’t pick it up without gloves,” Catriona told News Of The Area.

“She then stated that she was going to get a fine anyway so she wouldn’t pick it up, and drove off.”

Catriona said it was “truly disheartening to think that this mind-set exists in our community”.

“The sheer selfishness of it is mind blowing,” she said.

“They dumped a pile of rubbish beside where the little kids get the bus to the local primary school.

“Our neighbours love this beautiful area just like we do.”

A City of Coffs Harbour spokesperson told NOTA illegal dumping is “a significant issue in Coffs Harbour, with impacts on the natural environment”.

“There are costs to the community to have illegal dumping removed.

“The City along with the police, Environment Protection Authority and other state agencies have responsibilities to enforce illegal dumping on their managed land.

“The City regularly investigates complaints of illegal dumping on City managed land and undertakes enforcement with fines ranging from $2,000 to $8,000 for serious illegal dumping offences,” they said.

The road in question leads into Bagawa State Forest.

With the rubbish still sitting on the side of the forest road a week later, Catriona phoned CoCH.

“I spoke with a ranger,” she said.

“He explained that they were attempting to make contact with perpetrators who they have identified from the vehicle licence plates.

“They plan to issue the perpetrators with a fine.

“He also stated that council has booked to pick up the rubbish.”

The fine issued will be between $2,000 and $8,000.

On Tuesday morning, 27 February the rubbish was removed.

CoCH charges for household rubbish are as follows.

Small vehicle (up to double-axle trailer) – sorted mixed waste weighing up to 50kg: $22.00.

Between 50 to 150kg: $48.00.

Between 150 and 300kg: $94.00.

Loads weighing 300 to 500kg (the maximum allowed): $140.00.


2 thoughts on “Illegal rubbish dumpers caught red handed in Nana Glen

  1. So sad that people (of mature age as well) haven’t got the message of having respect for other peoples propety.
    We are always complainging and making negative comments about the younger generations but here we have the older generation doing this. Shame on you.

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