Letter to the Editor: Has sea level rise been considered?

DEAR News Of The Area,

WE have followed the ‘fortunes’ of the Jetty Foreshores lands for many years, always wondering why nobody mentions the likely effects of sea level rise and increased cyclone activity in the not-too-distant future.

Now, we, and many others, are wondering why our State Government has refused a most reasonable offer that would see the land used in such a way that climatic events would not mean enormous infrastructure losses.

This beautiful, relatively natural area would remain open and accessible to the ordinary folk of our state.

We can plainly see that developers only have to win once; the rest is just nibbling negotiation to get exactly what they want.

The land that was the property of the people of the State becomes private property forever (and could even be sold to foreign investors).

Investigations are rarely pursued and are easily quashed if they begin, but we do hope that questions are asked, and asked before Property and Development NSW lodge their formal rezoning proposal for the Jetty Foreshores land with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

Predictably, at this advanced stage, the public will once again be invited to ‘provide feedback’, without any consideration of their previous submissions.

No action should be taken until this matter has been made part of political platform policy and tested again in the electorate at a State Election.

If developer’s expectations have been raised, this is the time to deflate them.

The land is climatically unsuitable for development, as historic photographs of cyclonic storm waves breaking over the railway lines show, and it is vital as open recreational space in our increasingly populous community.

We need wild and partly wild places – public places without private precincts.

If some commercial facilities are found necessary, they can be provided on a lease-hold basis.

We agree with the Member for Coffs Harbour, Gurmesh Singh, when he says that the community deserves answers.

These endless attempts to grab this public land must be stopped.

It is a unique asset which should not be for the benefit of the few but for the continued benefit of future generations.

The New South Wales State Government should allow the Coffs Harbour City Council to purchase our land, for us, with our money!

Alan and Lori MELBOURNE,

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