OPINION: Going nuclear is ‘ludicrous’

DEAR News Of The Area,

Derek Musgrave’s suggestion of replacing Liddell Power plant by small modular nuclear technology seems ludicrous to me.

1 – I don’t think Australia has the knowledge to build it and it will take too long.

France, who has the technology, has estimated that the first date for their next generation nuclear power plant will be in 2035.

2 – Imagine the reaction from the people living in the area, I don’t think they would be ecstatic with the idea, and I would expect huge opposition and protests not only from the locals but also from the Greens and anti-nuclear lobbies.
3 – Building a nuclear power plant is costly, and one must not forget the cost of decommissioning it when it has reached its lifespan, not forgetting the disposal of the radioactive wastes.

4 – Wind and solar energy are far cheaper and faster to build.

5 – Australia with its 40,000 plus coastline, should explore the use of tidal energy.

It is not new, as tidal mills have existed in Denmark for a long time, in France since the 1960 and in South Korea since 2011.

Nelson Bay.

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