Yt DiNGO launches new single with mesmerising video

An underwater mermaid scene in the Temptalien music video.

YT DiNGO, local music and dance artist Travers Ross, has released his latest single, Temptalien, described as “an introspective journey into personal growth and the profound connection between self and heritage”.

Known for his ability to weave intricate narratives into soul-stirring compositions, Temptalien blends ethereal melodies with poignant lyrics that delve into the artist’s experiences of overcoming past trauma and rediscovering his roots.

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“The track carries a profound message about healing and forging new connections with oneself and cultural identity,” said Travers.

The distinctive sound creates an otherworldly atmosphere.

Filmed on the Mid North Coast ocean, the single’s video is mesmerising.

Set aboard The Notorious, a full size, sailing recreation of a 15th century vessel of exploration, the Portuguese or Spanish caravel, we see Yt DiNGO, alone at sea, reflecting on the imprint of colonialism and the diseases it has brought upon him.

Emily Wurramara, a spirit on the ship, sings him towards the ocean, where he encounters characters of himself lured by different temptations that he must overcome.

Eventually, he forms a connection with a First Nation mermaid, leading him to leave the ship behind and embark on a journey of knowledge and growth.

Matriarch mermaid Angela Wurramara, singing in Anindilyakwa, is among the mermaids awaiting him.

Through ceremony and surrendering to the unknown, his colonised mindset is transformed, and he is nurtured by the wisdom and leadership of these trusted law keepers of the ocean.

In making the video Travers worked with local talent.

“Two young stunt doubles, Tahani Berger and Shavonne Barlow, appeared in the mermaid roles.

“They swam beautifully and were a real delight to create these scenes with.”

He also met Graham and Felicity from The Notorious at the Jetty Wharf.

“I’m mind blown at their magic ship creation that they live on.

“The song itself also features two incredible local musicians, Manduway Dutton on piano and Jennen Ngiau-Keng on violin.

“We have some incredible talent to utilise in the area and a lot more where this all came from,” he said.

Born in Coffs, Travers returned to his hometown in 2021.

“I am looking at doing some local shows soon and would love to see some familiar faces.

“I am super excited about the high energy vibes I got to share to elevate the D-floor and get the people howling.”

Midyear 2024, he hopes to take Yt DiNGO overseas and share his work with different parts of the world.

“I feel my story, grown in this community, this area and this continent, needs to be shared.

“I have been dancing to other people’s stories/songs for many years and it’s time to dance to my own.

“I’m excited to share my story with beats, riffs, sounds and feels that I have created that make me move.

“It’s kinda like creating the wave to surf on.”

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