OPINION: City beautification

DEAR News Of The Area,

I MUST agree with your correspondent Julia Atkinson (NOTA 15 December 23) with Council’s poor record in the beautification of Coffs Harbour.

To the roundabouts we can add the block retaining wall between Combine Street and McLean St.

It is black with the grime from the passing of thousands of vehicles and the concrete path below is covered with dead and dying weeds.

Then there is Council’s latest offering, the small park at the intersection of Moonee St and the highway, possibly the only bit of greenery in the city centre.

Council’s idea of beautification was to cover the whole park in wood chips.

Then of course there is graffiti, with the sound suppression barrier around the Wongala Estate now defaced for close on two years with no attempt by Council to remove it.

What a great northern entrance to the city for our residents and tourists.

If Council can have specialist crews to maintain our sewerage services, water supply, roads, kerbs and gutters, footpaths, parks and gardens, bush regeneration and public amenities, why can’t there be a specialist crew tasked with the removal of graffiti?

The longer it remains on display the more it encourages others to add to it or to create more “masterpieces”.

Do our Councillors not see the ugliness around the city?

Coffs Harbour.

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