OPINION: No simple answers to complex questions

DEAR News Of The Area,

I WRITE in response to Dr Sally Hunter’s letter in the last edition, ‘Cognitive dissonance at play over offshore wind farms’.

I was astonished to see so many simple locals diagnosed with “cognitive dissonance”, Dr Hunter.

Rather sad apparently the groups you name want, “simple answers, solutions that work, things basically to stay the same, a sense of security and quick fixes”.


There are no simple answers – the fast tracking of this particular wind turbine project has failed any “wicked problem” policy test.

Costly, unproven, poor supply chains, limited local expertise, clear impacts on ecosystems – in fact at least thirteen based on the government’s only feasibility requirements for interested companies (yes there are more things in the sea then just whales).

These are not “ideas that need to be embraced” rather hard facts – concrete on ocean floors.

Personally, yes to less fossil fuels, yes to managing the effects of climate change.

Your generalisations, from wind turbines off Hawks Nest as a point for stopping climate change conflates and simplifies so many complex issues.

I am NO to rushed costly Canberra-bubble driven actions when there are other options like a pilot study, or closer consideration of other sites with less impact on so carefully conserved ecosystems, or many other options.

I am a YIMBY for positive change based on good policy and place making that listens to conservationists, communities and local businesses with context, that looks at benefits through a realistic not political lens.

Unprecedented times?

Every generation has written the same, even in our valued NOTA.

So here is another cliché, “Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”

Sandra BOURKE,
Tea Gardens.

One thought on “OPINION: No simple answers to complex questions

  1. Well said, Sandra. I am amazed an academic would make such untrue assessments about opponents of offshore wind farms who she has never met, let alone had an opportunity to diagnose.

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