Myall River Action Group concerned that shoaling will soon end river traffic

A significant island emerges at low tides under the Singing Bridge.

MORE sympathy than action has resulted from recent meetings between Government and local resident groups over the Myall River’s severe sanding-up problems.

On Saturday, 18 November, Myall River Action Group (MRAG) members met with Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington to discuss the NSW Government’s plan to mitigate severe shoaling feared to be choking the Myall River.

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“MRAG have been longstanding and effective advocates for the health of the Myall River, it was really good to meet members recently to discuss the current status of the sand shoaling,” MP Washington told NOTA.

“My discussion with MRAG follows on from another meeting with the Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association (HNTGPA) in late August, and since then a hydrographic study has confirmed everything residents have told me, that significant shoaling has occurred in the designated navigation channel of the lower Myall River, as well the channel known as ‘the Shortcut’.”

As clarified by MidCoast Council’s Director of Liveable Communities at the Community Conversations event on Tuesday, 21 November, the officially designated channel is the Corrie Island passage, while the ‘Shortcut’ (also known as ‘the Natural Channel’) is only dredged to resupply the Winda Woppa stockpile.

“We want the Natural Channel to be redesignated as the official channel, resuming its natural place as the primary entrance to the Myall, while the Corrie Channel naturally reverts to a creek,” MRAG’s Gordon Grainger detailed.

“Between Corrie Island and the Singing Bridge, the ferries are reporting sand strikes in at least three spots, estimating they can’t service the area by early 2024.

“From the Bridge to the Lakes, sand inundation presents severe dangers, potentially halting the important boating visitor trade.”

Ms Washington told NOTA she was meeting with the NSW Minister for Transport this week to seek “solutions to our local challenges”, armed with information “gained from my meetings with MRAG, HNTGPA and the recent hydrographic study”.

“As residents are well aware, the issues are complex and solutions are costly, but I appreciate the importance of action, so I’ll keep the community advised of progress.”

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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