OPINION: Port Stephens will not be silenced!

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE people of Port Stephens will not be dictated to by North Shore MP Zali Steggall (NOTA, 23 Nov 2023).

We will not be silenced by her disgraceful attempt to amend the Electoral Act to censor free speech and block our discussion of the hazards of the proposed 1,854 sq km Hunter offshore wind factory.

We do not consent to the industrialisation of our pristine ocean waters by offshore wind factories.

We do not consent to the visual pollution or the crowding of whale migration areas with hundreds of high wind towers.

It’s our democratic right in a free society to voice our opinions, and Federal Parliament must reject Zali Stegall’s attempt to use legislation to silence this important debate.

Kenneth HIGGS,
Raymond Terrace.

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