Career transition course offered for first responders

Founders of Beyond the Badge, Simon Bradstock and Sean Haran.

THE Beyond the Badge retraining and support program is running a three-day Career Transition course in Coffs Harbour in early 2024 and is asking for expressions of interest in attending.

It is open to current or former military, police, ambulance, fire and rescue and other first responder personnel.

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Finding a new career can be a struggle for police, fire fighters, paramedics and veterans that have been forced to leave their jobs due to illness, injury or trauma.

The course is specifically curated to deliver the skills and knowledge required to increase attendees’ level of employability.

Beyond the Badge is also seeking the involvement of business leaders who are keen to hire local veterans and first responders.

“Thanks to an injection of local funds from C.ex Group and Park Beach Bowling Club, the Beyond the Badge retraining and support program will give current and former first responders, as well as veterans, living in and around the Coffs Harbour area an opportunity to get their lives back on track,” said Beyond the Badge spokesperson and former West Australian Police officer Sean Haran.

The charity delivers career transition workshops and support for members of the first responder and veteran community that have sustained physical injuries or mental health related illnesses resulting in them having to end their career and look for alternate employment.

The program has received a $17,500 boost as part of the C.ex Group 2023 grants program.

A further $5,000 has also been provided by the Park Beach Bowling Club.

“One of the biggest challenges first responders face is the unexpected end to their chosen career,” he said.

“This may come about through both physical and mental injury or simply the need to move on due to the continued exposure to disturbing and traumatic events.

“We believe very strongly that every first responder and veteran has unique skills and qualities that most employers simply struggle to find in the general community,” Sean said.

“An increase in their self-esteem, mental health and general wellbeing has shown to positively impact the participant’s immediate family and the community.”

Sean says the demand for the program has increased exponentially due to recent events such as floods, fires and COVID-19, with many first responders stressed and exhausted.

“Our approach to responding to this increased demand for service includes the enablement of an on-line learning platform to allow increase in reach and accessibility to geographically dispersed users,” he said.

The program focuses on mapping the participant’s career-based skills and competencies, such as leadership, decision making, risk management, mentoring and coaching and project management, which can be showcased to a potential employer.

“Over the past four years the range of jobs and careers that have been obtained is so diverse, but certainly compliance, and customer facing roles are a natural progression for many,” Sean added.

“It is very much a job seekers market at the moment and unless a specific degree qualification is required, we would say that the sky’s the limit for opportunities.”

Interested participants and businesses are urged to connect and to find out more via or send an email to


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