Woolgoolga Red Cross’ Doreen Liddle awarded for Outstanding Service

Australian Red Cross President Ross Pinney, Doreen Liddle from Woolgoolga Red Cross receiving her Australian Red Cross Outstanding Service Award, and NSW Chair John MacLennan at the AGM in Sydney.

THE WOOLGOOLGA Red Cross Branch has celebrated member Doreen Liddle being presented with the Australian Red Cross Outstanding Service Award at the organisation’s AGM in Sydney.

Doreen joined the Branch in 2007 and has never hesitated to volunteer to help in many ways.

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For over fifteen years she has been the Branch Historian responsible for maintaining the scrapbook records which have been going since 1991.

For many years she took on the role of Catering Coordinator for the monthly Friendship Afternoon Teas, ordering food, supervising helpers, arranging table settings and generally ensuring everyone had a great time.

Her more recent role has been as Trauma Teddy Coordinator.

Since 2018 Doreen has worked with a team of knitters, completed the filling and sewing, attached happy faces and distributed a constant supply of quality controlled and lovable teddies to doctors’ surgeries, hospitals and other appropriate places.

“I was so excited to be in Sydney for the presentation of the Award and humbled by the amount of work other Red Cross volunteers do for the disadvantaged,” Doreen said.

“It was such a thrill and made me want to work even harder to help.”

Doreen has already worked on over 1500 teddies and regularly delivers 50 or more a month.

“She certainly is an excellent role model and very deserving of her award,” Woolgoolga Red Cross President Carol Rowe told News Of The Area.

Back in September, the busy branch held an Awareness Day at the Beach Markets.

“This was a great success in raising our profile and reminding people of just how much the Red Cross does to help others”, said Carol.

“On display were our lovable Trauma Teddies, who provide such a great support for youngsters who are suffering.

“It is a timely reminder too that, with the storm and disaster season with us already, we are stockpiling teddies for emergency distribution.”

Red Cross Emergency Services Officer Erik Rau was in attendance at the market day to give welcome advice to people about emergency planning and evacuation guidelines.

Volunteers with the Hands On Program at the Woolgoolga Retirement Village were also on hand to give sample massages and discuss the value of the program where volunteers chat with residents and provide gentle hand massages and nail care.

As a spin off from the branch’s knitting projects members recently were able to donate a number of knee rugs and blankets to Woolgoolga Retirement Village.

With special thanks to Marg Sullivan, a new volunteer with the Branch, smaller blankets were crocheted and sewn together to make this beautiful collection, some of which will be used in welcome packets for new residents at the Village.

“It is a real pleasure to work on the branch’s collection and see how well they were received at the Village by staff and residents,” Marg commented.


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