Woolgoolga Remembrance Day salutes fourteen lost souls

Join the Woolgoolga community on Remembrance Day, Saturday 11 November, never forgetting the fourteen men of Woolgoolga who died in the Great War.

THE REMEMBRANCE Day service in Woolgoolga on Saturday 11 November 2023 will mark the 105th Commemoration of the Armistice that ended the Great War, the 70th year following the Korean War armistice and the 50th after the conclusion of Australian combat operations in Vietnam.

The number of Australian Service Members killed in action or died of wounds during the First World War was 61,674.

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“This number, our nation’s greatest ever sacrifice in the defence of liberty against tyranny, continues to increase as investigation reveals more of our glorious dead,” Woolgoolga RSL sub-Branch Secretary Christopher Chayko told News Of The Area.

40,740 more Australian Service Members have given their lives in service to the country since that time.

“Remembrance Day is of great significance to Woolgoolga as fourteen men, who were residents or had connection to the town, gave their lives during the Great War.

“It is particularly poignant as almost all of those were killed in action or died of wounds on the Western Front in France and Belgium.

“They rest beneath the poppies far from home,” he said.

Giving further context to the local loss, Christopher added, “From a tiny population in 1914-18, fourteen was a huge sacrifice for a small town to make and it is still keenly felt by the families which remain, and indeed by most of the community.

“We will remember them.”

For Saturday’s service, the Woolgoolga community is respectfully requested to assemble for the service at the Diggers Club forecourt Memorial by no later than 10.30am.

Proceedings are expected to conclude by 11.15.

During the Service, the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ will be recited by a Woolgoolga High School student.

An address will be given by Group Captain Richard Kelloway AM OBE (RAAF Retd), a Vietnam War Veteran awarded the United States Silver Star and Air Medal from that conflict.

Hymns will be led by the Northern Beaches Remembrance Choir.

“Our local trumpeter will sound the Last Post and, after the Minute’s Silence close to the 11th hour, our piper will play the lament ‘Flowers of the Forest’.”

Those wishing to lay a wreath are kindly requested to contact the Honorary Secretary of Woolgoolga RSL sub-Branch, the commemoration sponsor, on 0432 127 071 with the names and organisation of the wreath-layers.
“Wreaths are a personal responsibility and poppies will be available to be laid,” said Christopher.

Immediately following the service, City of Coffs Harbour Mayor Paul Amos will make a presentation of the award of ANZAC of the Year, one of only four awarded nationally in 2023.

The presentation will be made to distinguished Woolgoolga citizen Allan Crouch OAM RFD.

Woolgoolga RSL sub-Branch stated that Ex-Service gentlemen are requested to wear a suit or jacket and tie with full medals, ladies accordingly.

In the event of very warm weather a collared shirt and full medals will be appropriate.

Following the service, sub-Branch Members will be dining together at the usual Diggers Club Beach Street Dining lunch.

Community members, particularly those who know Allan Crouch, are warmly invited to book in at the Club and share in that fellowship.

All other Club facilities will be open.

“The sub-Branch looks forward to as many of the Woolgoolga community as possible coming together for this duty of Remembrance.

“Lest We Forget.”


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