OPINION: Tuncurry to be dredged: Where is the funding for the Myall River?

DEAR News Of The Area,

HAVING seen the announcement last week that navigation dredging works at Tuncurry are scheduled to commence in the coming weeks, while we wait for urgent action on the Myall River and Lakes, I thought you all would like to know that we (you and I) don’t matter.

It doesn’t matter that a large proportion of our commercial businesses rely on river traffic.

It doesn’t matter that we are a major part of the blue water wonderland called Port Stephens.

It doesn’t matter that tourism is the major income earner in this community and growing at a rapid pace.

It doesn’t matter that we are the gateway to the world heritage Myall Lakes.

It doesn’t matter that we are home to several world-acknowledged Ramsar sites.

MidCoast Council has advised that Forster is to be dredged.

That means that Ettalong/Swansea/Forster matter more than us.

We do matter, and it is time our powers-that-be recognise this fact.

It does matter that we have learned that the Myall dredging is not on the MIDO program.

It does matter that funding is required, but we are tired of the constant “no funds are available”.

It does matter that funding is found for projects and it does matter that there is no provision for us.

The State Government matters!

They have the funds and we need action now.

Myall River Action Group,
Tea Gardens.

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