Myall Coast artists to hold Art Affair before long weekend

Julia Ross, Liz Cheers, Geradine Thomas, Grahame Bell, Lynne Young and Rudy Jacobs.

AN AFFAIR of the art will transform the Tea Gardens Hotel’s Dolphin Room into an impromptu gallery from 18-22 September, just before the school holidays begin.

Featuring over 100 works by several local artists in each medium of painting, printmaking, woodworking, and mosaics, the exhhibition should hopefully inspire some love with their myriad subjects and motivations.

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Julia Ross, winner of the 2D Anderson Art Award’s earlier this year, showcases stunning oil-on-canvas seascapes from our beautiful aquatic surroundings across Port Stephens, inspired by her regular visits to the beach and the bay.

Ceramics and mosaics feature from the crafty hands of Geradine Thomas, who takes as much joy in smashing up the recycled materials and tiles as she does in piecing them into beautiful mosaics that the Ancient Romans might envy.

“Building the backgrounds as much as the glass and tile on top, creating a 2D to 3D effect,” Geraldine said.

Liz Cheers, who started out in framing, soon moved into making more exquisite flat and embossed prints to frame, along with delicate collages composed of local native leaves on silk paper.

The therapeutic side of art comes out in the animal and human subjects of Lynne Young’s acrylic painting, with special interest in the eyes that she says “makes you feel more a part of the art”.

Grahame Bell’s woodworking shows how a simple log can become Thor’s mighty hammer, or a laminated fence post can transform into simple and rustic bowls and candleholders, the result of decades of a much-loved hobby from the mountains.

Landscapes and experiences from travels across Australia are the subject of Rudy Jacobs’ oil paintings, having travelled more than 23,000km last year alone, “and never the same road twice”, to bring the beauty of Australia to his work.

Spring is set to be an artistically vibrant and diverse season on the Myall Coast, with more art shows opening up during the school holidays and Labour Day long weekend thereafter.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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