‘On the couch’ with Jasminda

DEAR Jasminda,

Since the final game with the Matildas, I’m feeling a bit blah.

The game was something to look forward to and now life has gone back to its dreary everyday slog.

What now?

Narelle G.

Dear Narelle,

It would have been impossible to predict that the World Cup would unify Australians when we are so intent on being argumentative and disconnected about everything (Climate Change, windfarms, YES vote, foreign policy, freedom of speech, and any issue on any ‘You Know Your From …’ Facebook page where even a simple query about free cat sitting can turn into an aggressive argument about declining bird species, responsible pet ownership, security cameras, and minimum wage requirements).

The excitement of the Matildas was palpable.

Suddenly people who had never played soccer, and who had certainly never watched women play soccer, were on a first name basis with the players and their merits.

My daughter who has never played team sport was shouting out tactical advice.

My husband wanted to watch Bend it Like Beckham between games.

There was talk of a public holiday and political euphoria not experienced since Hawke said: “Any boss who sacks someone for not working today is a bum.”

So, it is no wonder that many people are experiencing a bit of a post-Matildas slump.

Perhaps one way to get around it is to encourage more young girls to move off the sidelines and onto the field, and to support them with the same fervour as we have in the last few weeks when they do.

Carpe diem,

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