Stinker’s History: Help needed: Can you identify these people?

Can you identify the family or the boat in this old photograph?

LOOKING through my library of historical photos through the week I came across this old snap that I have no information about.

Can anyone help identify the characters and maybe the boat, which looks very much like Cecil ‘Cat’ Holbert’s.

Cat Holbert was a fisherman and oyster grower from Tea Gardens who worked the waters on the northern side of the port.


Appreciation must be extended to Tanilba resident Denise Gaudion and Port Stephens Councilor Jason Wells for their efforts to establish a Heritage Committee under the umbrella of Port Stephens Council.

The committee will offer advice to Council and will give the opportunity for all, who are interested in local history, to play a part.

Great to hear that there is a move for the Port Stephens Historical Society to merge with Tomaree Museum Association.

This is a positive step for both organisations and will give a solid platform for those, including me, to establish a home venue for a regional museum that we can all be proud of.

My venue vote goes to Tomaree Headland.

By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE

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