Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association for May


MAY is almost over and lots to report so please come along to the Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association’s next General Meeting on Monday 19 June 2023 starting 6.30pm at the Tea Gardens Hotel in the Dolphin Room.

High on the agenda will be developing the Progress Association’s response to the MidCoast Council (MCC) draft Open Spaces & Recreation Strategy 2023-2035.

It will shape how our parks, gardens, recreational foot and bike paths, sports fields, boat ramps, playgrounds, dog parks, foreshore areas, and other public places will be prioritised over the next fifteen years.

It will also inform the expenditure of our area’s Developer Contributions as collected by the MCC in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

It appears that some of the actions for our area have not been updated since 2014 and we are keen to ensure they reflect current community needs and priorities and that the funds are spent accordingly.

I am pleased to report that the $117k Regional NSW grant for our new three outdoor gym stations in Providence Bay Park has finally been received.

Updates about this great local project and its positive impact on the park will be shared in NOTA, on the Myall Coast Radio, and via local internet and social media sites.

It is anticipated it will be completed by summer and we will continue to apply for other grants to improve our area.

The Tea Gardens skate park has seen a flurry of activity these last few weeks including:

· The new Tea Gardens Welcome is up with a huge thanks to Glen Henry, plus all the nine community groups who contributed.

There is also a new solid surrounding native garden built by the Men’s Shed – thank you.

· Local young people have submitted over 30 entries into our ‘Redesign the Skate Park’ competition which will be judged by the Myall River Art Walk Group and the Worimi Aboriginal Reference Group this week.

The winners will be announced on 5 June, however, all the entries will be submitted to the MCC to inform their Open Spaces and Skate Park strategies, plus used in an updated grant application to act on their ideas.

Thank you to Principal Mark Clemson and the P&C for the Tea Gardens Public School support.

· The Myall River Art Walk Group (led by Jeanette Hart) with HNTGPA volunteers are repainting the outdoor skatepark walls in readiness for mural designs (based on the competition).

They have also painted murals (reflecting young people’s input) inside the toilet amenities to help prevent vandalism and encourage safe use.

· MCC have repaired the damaged skatepark seats with replacements scheduled for installation next month.

Other highlights include:

· HNTGPA volunteers, with support from IGA Hawks Nest, installed a bike rack following public requests.

We remain committed to supporting improvements to the Hawks Nest Plaza area.

· The long-awaited footpath from Peter Sinclair Gardens to Hawks Nest Plaza was commenced. Sincere thanks to all who lobbied over many years.

It has been frustrating however the path is now almost complete with a native tree grove to be planted by HNTGPA volunteers.

· Winter Working Bees at the Tea Garden’s pool to hose away recurrent duck poo, conduct minor maintenance, and gardening, remain ongoing every second Thursday 10am with the next one scheduled 1 June 2023.

· We have completed and submitted the Community Defibrillator Project Plan and participated in two local Disaster Recovery and Resilience workshops with an updated Local Disaster & Recovery Plan in progress.

· We continue to monitor all MCC meetings and draft policies and note a number of issues of concern including the future provision of Visitor Information Services, the LGA’s Roads Strategy, rate increases, and the loss of MCC provided christmas lights (perhaps an opportunity).

Our first Bunnings BBQ fundraiser is on Saturday 10 June from 7.30am at Heatherbrae.

Please support us as the funds raised directly support volunteer works and materials, including joint projects with other community groups.

Finally, we have commenced early planning for several exciting events over 2023-24, notably the Singing Bridge Golden Jubilee Commemorations on Saturday 6 April 2024 – bridge party time!

Ideas, photos and stories are all welcome and check out and share on the new community Facebook page by the Singing Bridge.

Thank you,

Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association Incorporated.

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