LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Unwise to question Nannas’ knowledge of forestry

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE Knitting Nannas Coffs Harbour Loop knows quite a lot about forests contrary to the recent opinions of Peter Paunovic (NOTA 5 May 2023).

We have members who are expert ecologists.

We conduct and report on citizen science data collection in native and plantation state forests, and our generous ages have given us a wealth of experience in the growth cycles of the flora and the reproduction rates and ecosystem needs of the fauna in forests surrounding this area.

To assume a local group of mature women and honorary men have little knowledge of the issue they are passionately protesting is misguided.

Forestry Corporation NSW (FCNSW) logs up to 30,000 hectares of native forest across NSW a year.

In 2023, FCNSW is targeting 16,000 ha of native forests for logging within the promised Great Koala National Park alone! Fragmentation and degradation of native forest landscapes is a huge risk to endangered species such as the Koala and Glossy Black Cockatoo.

Vast habitat loss is not compensated by seed germination and new growth.

Along with habitat loss, fire risk is increased.

The forestry practice of compartment clear felling creates increased fire hazard and puts the entire forest at risk.

As the impacts of climate change accelerate, Nannas know that forest retention is one proven long-term strategy to absorb and retain carbon dioxide.

Forest ecosystems deliver cost-free resilience and protection from both fire and flood.

To assume we should dispose of all the native timber in our homes as a more valuable form of protest is fatuous at best, misguided and wasteful.

It conditionalizes our democratic right to protest.

Nannas know a good deal more than many may imagine, so some of us come together for peaceful protest, a cuppa and a yarn about creating a sustainable future for all the kiddies.

Nanna Hugs,
Nicole READ.

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