Soldiers Point Bowls

Ben, Julie (marker) and Pete.

PENNANTS, the main inter-club lawn bowls competition in NSW, is well underway in the Newcastle Zone.

Soldiers Point Bowling Club has six, twelve person teams playing in the Open Competition.

These range from 1st Grade, with three Queensland ‘imports’ playing, to 7th Grade.

Just after the halfway stage, Bowls Director Mark Watt said, “All teams have prospects of reaching the knockout stage of the competition to proceed to a much sought Zone Flag meaning they can proceed to the State Finals.”

Watch this space!

Over 100 entrants competed in the Newcastle Zone Reserve Singles.

Finalists Ben Rowsell (Raymond Terrace) and Pete Smith (Soldiers Point) had both won six rounds to reach the Final.

This was held at Soldiers Point before appreciative spectators.

The match started very competitively with single shots being gained by both players on most ends.

However, Pete gained a decisive lead by winning two ends by multiple shots.

He went on to win 25 shots to 10 and will compete in the State Finals at Wollongong in July.

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