Celebrating Port Stephens ‘Community Hero’ November Sheehan

November Sheehan is always there and always caring.

NEWS OF THE AREA is launching a series profiling the ‘Community Heroes’ of Port Stephens, and who better to start with than November Sheehan.

November has started two grassroots programs in recent years, both aimed at supporting the vulnerable in our community.

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‘Heart Letter Pen’ is an amazing program which saw total strangers reach out to older people in aged care throughout the pandemic.

Post-pandemic, the need for elderly to feel included is still great and Heart Letter Pen continues to spread love through the written word.

Volunteers design the cards, different volunteers write the letters, and November looks at every single one personally to check that it is perfect in conveying positivity and care before it is sent with loving care to someone who is lonely.

After starting Heart Letter Pen, November was motivated to start ‘Scribbles and Rainbows’, another small initiative making a big difference in the lives of local children.

November saw first hand how cost-of-living pressures were stopping some families from buying stationery for children to take to school.

In addition to her work with the elderly, November now collects stationery from the community and gives it to schools and various charitable organisations, like the Rivergum Grandparents, to give less fortunate children the same start as their peers.

“Scribbles and Rainbows only started in June but the stationery supplies have been well received,” November told News Of The Area.

November is an astounding woman who doesn’t believe she is doing anything special.

Her actions touch the lonely, the sad and the isolated in our community.

November was recognised as NSW Community Champion in the Crown and Daily Telegraph’s 2021 awards program and Port Stephens Citizen of the Year the same year.

November is working on getting cards and prepaid postage satchels ready for Mother’s Day for Heart Pen Letter, which will see satchels sent across the nation.

You can find out more about Scribbles and Rainbows and Heart Pen Letter on the group Facebook pages.

Donations of satchels can also be made via these pages.

In her spare time November is penning a book – watch this space as this Port Stephens community hero takes yet another step on her incredible journey.

If you know a community hero that you would like to see profiled in the NOTA, please send your nomination with contact details to marian@newsofthearea.com.au.


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