Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club

Lorraine Broomfield and Teresa King.

TUESDAY 7 March was the first of the Monthly Medal rounds for the ladies of Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club combined with a Vets comp.

Twenty six ladies contested the stroke game on a warm day on a picturesque golf course and good scores recorded just to prove it.

Div 1 winner Marian Brading nett 71, runner-up Merryl Kyburz 72.

Div 2 winner Carole Stone nett 68, runner-up Lorraine Broomfield 71 on c/b and Div 3 winner Robyn Brindle nett 73, runner-up Teresa King 74, Gross winner overall Marian Brading 90 gross. NTP 4th Teresa King, 5th Marian Brading, 7th Lex Bailey, 11th Kim Batty.

Teresa King was the lucky winner of the raffle.

Our ladies represented our club admirably at Wauchope last weekend, Lorraine Broomfield was a runner-up and Lorraine and Teresa King won their respective divisions NTP on the 18th hole. Pennants was played at Macksville on Monday but we would like more ladies to register to play this comp.

We need reserves for when the need arises please.

Thursdays 9 hole 2 Person Ambrose comp is going well but we’d love to see more ladies, and men, playing.

It’s a relaxed game, a particularly good game for those wishing to get back to the game after a prolonged absence for whatever reason or those unable to play Tuesday’s 18 hole comp. Contact Pro Terry at the Pro Shop for information or booking time.

Preparations are well underway for Open Day on 21 March and invitations continue to arrive from other clubs.

Please check the notice board and put your name down if you wish to play on any of these dates.

Our club is a very friendly one and new members or players are always welcome.

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