PEP-11 offshore mining still a threat to the environment

Whales are potentially one of the casualties if PEP-11 goes ahead. Photo: Bonita Holmes-Nuu of Moonshadow-TQC.

THE fate of our beautiful coastline and much of our tourism industry lies in the decision to approve or deny the PEP-11 mining licence off the NSW coast.

The project was famously quashed by former Prime Minister Scot Morrison, but has since raised its head once more.

Tourism operators are fearful that the project will disrupt the annual humpback whale migration which is a major visitor attraction in the region.

The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government have announced they will legislate their existing policy to prevent offshore coal, gas, mineral and petroleum mining and exploration in NSW waters and have ramped up calls for the Albanese Government to prevent offshore mining in neighbouring Commonwealth waters.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter Taylor Martin said that a re-elected NSW Liberal and Nationals Government will introduce a bill in the next session of Parliament.

“The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government has been consistently opposed to offshore mining due to the grave concerns we hold about the possible impact on the environment.

“We will always stand up for the environment and our communities that care deeply about our pristine coastline, and the federal Labor Government must give the community certainty in their waters, as we will do in ours,” Mr Martin said.

The NSW Government’s existing Offshore Exploration and Mining Policy sets out the party’s approach to the development of the State’s geological resources.

“Today’s announcement cements our opposition to offshore gas exploration and mining, and these new laws will make it crystal clear to anyone looking to drill for gas in NSW waters that they need not apply,” Mr Martin said.

To help tackle beach erosion, the NSW Government will still consider offshore mineral exploration or mining in NSW waters for beach nourishment where a clear public benefit can be demonstrated.

Jordan Jensen, candidate for the Greens in the NSW State Election told News Of The Area that neither of the major parties can be trusted to protect our offshore waters from drilling.

“Those of us who live and work in Port Stephens know that gas exploration out from our coastline would be devastating for the marine environment & our tourism industry,” Mr Jensen said.

The Greens have concerns that the Liberal/National State Government’s last-minute commitment to legislate to ban offshore exploration for gas may end up as yet another broken promise should they be re-elected.

“Australians are realising, wow, this climate change thing is a problem and the liberal party doesn’t prioritise it.

“The public wants urgent action on climate change and the coalition parties do not have an inspiring track record,” said Mr Jensen.


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