OPINION: The National Party is there for Coffs Harbour residents

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE Nationals have had a long history of putting people in regional first.

Lets get behind Gurmesh to ensure this continues well into the future.

The first Coffs Nationals MP I remember was Matt Singleton – he was a great man. When he retired Andrew Fraser became an amazing voice for our area.

At that time, my husband Lawrence Williams was in Brisbane waiting for a liver to become available.

The Labor Government was in at the time, and there were many people on the transplant waitlist having to pay for accommodation while they waited away from home – with no financial help from IPTAS.

One day my daughter Shelley saw Andrew and said “My dad is waiting for a liver transplant in Brisbane and isolated patients won’t pay anything, what can you do about it?”.

Andrew rang my husband and said he told the Labor government if something isn’t sorted that afternoon it will be on the front page of the national paper.

It got sorted that day.

And not just for us.

All the people on the waitlist were able to claim IPTAS after that.

This is the impact a local MP fighting for locals can have.

They can impact a policy that helps people all over our State.

Now we have Gurmesh Singh.

He has also proven himself to be a great member for Coffs.

He’s respectful, approachable and professional, and is always working hard for our community.

I have a business in town and feel the Jetty Foreshore revitalisation will have a positive impact for the whole of our LGA.

It will give the town centre and people the confidence to open new stores.

Plus having better accommodation will bring more holiday makers to the area.

When the Bypass is complete we need tourists to want to come to Coffs Harbour.

Gurmesh is the man that will make that happen by allowing the town to prosper.

He is already making Coffs a better place for our younger generation and will always have our back in State Parliament.

Get behind Gurmesh this March.

Coffs Harbour.

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