Bello Deputy Mayor looks forward to new Rural LEP, improving communications, local roads

Councillor Jo Cook, re-elected as Bellingen Shire Deputy Mayor, with the stunning backdrop of local artist Guy Crosley’s mosaic created with members of the Dorrigo community.

DORRIGO resident Cr Joanne Cook continues to support the Bellingen community as the re-elected Deputy Mayor of the Shire.

A Nurse Unit Manager in the Operating Theatre at Bellingen Hospital, Cr Cook is honoured to be elected for a second term.

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Cr Cook said it has been a privilege getting out and meeting local people who really want to see their community thrive and is looking forward to supporting Mayor Steve Allan and representing the communities.

Passionate about the Community Vision set out by Bellingen Shire, Cr Cook told NOTA, “I’m excited to see the town masterplans progress for Urunga and Dorrigo.

“The Place for People section of the Community Vision touches on this, planning for infrastructure, road safety, open spaces, schools, and footpaths is important for our towns.

“I am also keen to be involved in the upcoming revision of the Rural Local Environmental Plan (LEP), which will ensure land use strategies identify, protect, manage, and reinforce rural activities, industry, and agribusiness throughout our Shire.”

Cr Cook has said in the past that communication across the Shire needed attention.

“I feel that since the current council has been elected this has improved greatly.

“Both Bellingen Council and the Councillors’ interaction through social media has improved.

“Obviously, social media isn’t the be-all and end-all, but I feel that this is a great start and the public seem to be more informed of the updates, challenges, operations, and process that the council goes through on a day-to-day basis, now more than ever.”

Another important issue on Jo’s radar is the state of the local roads.

“Everyone in the Shire is impacted by roads and potholes, it would be remiss not to mention this.

“The operational team is working hard to fix these, whilst also doing planned upgrades and maintenance.

“With our rainfall and budget restraints, I feel like it’s a hard gig.

“Bellingen Shire Council continues to advocate for State and Federal Government funding to fix the damage done, but I guess we all know that nearly every Shire in the state has these same challenges, and there are a lot of hands out for that additional funding.”


Bellingen Shire’s re-elected Deputy Mayor, Cr Jo Cook Councillor. Photo: Jack Meagher Photography.

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